Learn more about any of the Sunday service ministries at St. Marks listed below by filling out the contact form online! Perhaps you’ll be inspired to volunteer!
Acolytes (Children & Youth)
Participate in Sunday services by lighting candles and serving at the altar. You get to wear a robe! This is a fun way to be involved in the service.
Altar Guild
This crucial ministry ensures the “table” of the altar is set every Sunday and Communion is prepared for both services. Routines are easy to learn and family friendly. We would love new volunteers to help us before each service!
Assisting Ministries
(Vergers, Cross Bearers, Chalicers, Thurifers, Bell Ringers): Serve at the altar during the service! This ministry is available to adults and interested youth.
Lectors & Intercessors
Readers during Sunday worship provide a warm welcome to the congregation, read from the scriptures, and lead the Prayers of the People. Confident readers are always welcome!
Traditional music is the lifeblood of our services. Join the adult choir or bell choir and be a part of this tradition. Learn more here.
Our jobs include welcoming parishioners and visitors, distributing bulletins, bringing forth Communion elements and orchestrating the flow of people during Communion on Sunday mornings. We always welcome more volunteers.