8:00 am - Spoken Holy Eucharist
10:30 am - Holy Eucharist with Music Livestreamed Here!
8:00 pm - Compline prayer on Facebook
12:00 pm - Midweek Eucharist, September through May
Easter Sunday
8 am & 10:30 am
Easter Egg Hunt following the 10:30 am
Join us in Lent:
Stations of the Cross Monday- Thursday 9 am- 4 pm
Passion/Palm Sunday, April 13
Procession and Blessing of Palms, Holy Eucharist
8 am & 10:30 am
Holy Week,
Nightly Services at 7 pm, April 14-19
Monday and Tuesday
Drop-in Prayer with a Walking Labyrinth 5 – 8 pm
Tenebrae (Service of Shadows)
Maundy Thursday
Soup & Bread Supper 6 pm
Foot Washing & Holy Eucharist 7 pm
Keeping Watch in the Garden until 10 pm
Good Friday Liturgy
Saturday Vigil of Easter
Fellowship Following Worship